Citalá and Villanueva

Who We Are

The Asociación para la Promoción Humana is a non-profit organization that supports the personal formation of young people with great academic potential in El Salvador. The Association works with the Patronato APROHU, a group of altruistic people who manage funds, to select young people from various public schools in the Department of La Libertad and the surrounding areas for their excellent grades and good conduct. These students are offered a scholarship for their studies. This program benefits more than 290 children and young people from different areas of La Libertad.

Colegio Citalá and Colegio Villanueva are private educational projects for young people between 12 and 18 years old. Their goal is to support low-income families so that their sons and daughters with great human and intellectual potential have the opportunity to receive a comprehensive education. This program allows low-income children to continue their studies after hight school at the university or higher technical level and improve their quality of life.


Citalá, which is specifically for boys, has been operating in the facilities of the Lamatepec School since 2012. It has a student population of more than 250 students, from 7th grade on, and has graduated 241 scholarship recipients: 46 students in 2016, 33 students in 2017, 49 students in 2018, 29 students in 2019, 35 students in 2020 and 49 students in 2021.

In 2022, Colegio Villanueva started for girls. It is a school that is operating in the facilities of Colegio La Floresta and provides opportunities for 43 girls from 7th grade on with scholarships, just like Citalá.

In 2022, 295 students from 7th to 11th grades will receive full scholarships, which include:

  • Use of facilities at Lamatepec and La Floresta Schools (classrooms, chemistry and computer labs, courts, physical and digital library, among others)

  • Access to highly qualified teaching staff

  • Didactic materials and school uniforms

  • Transportation

  • Counseling for the students and their families


The main purpose of the Colegio Citalá and Colegio Villanueva is to open the minds and hearts of young boys and girls who are demonstrating exceptional capabilities for personal and academic development, but lack the resources needed to achieve their dreams. To accomplish this, Citalá and Villanueva provide resources and aid to bring educational opportunities to outstanding Salvadorian public school students, separating and saving them from dangerous gangs and domestic violence.


As of 2022, there are 252 students in Citalá and 43 students in Villanueva, but the impact of these programs extends to 250 families. This brings the total of direct beneficiaries to than 850 people per year, including parents and siblings. Of the program’s beneficiaries,

- 60% of the students live with both parents. 
- 30% of the students live only with their mothers. 
- 10% live only with their father, or other relatives (grandparents/uncles).
- 90% of families receive an average income around the minimum wage in El Salvador ($400/month).
- 50% of families receive an income below the minimum wage ($365/month or lower).


Citalá has graduated 241 young students. All of them achieved outstanding results in the national secondary exams carried out by the Ministry of Education in El Salvador.

For example, in the national PAES exam (Test of Learning and Skills for Middle School Graduates), the average for the entire country of El Salvador in 2019 was 5.06, while the average for Citalá students was 8.06. (on a scale of 1 to 10). The highest grade of a Citalá student in PAES 2019 was 9.22.  

Students from the program are admitted to a variety universities or technical colleges of higher education. More than 80% enjoy discounted fees or scholarships. In addition, dropout rates in the southern area of La Libertad, El Salvador have decreased during the lifetime of this initative. The young graduates leave Citalá prepared to find a decent job in El Salvador and continue their university studies.

Diego Vásquez graduated from Colegio Citalá in 2016. Thanks to the high quality education received at the Colegio Citalá, he obtained a full scholarship and graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering at John Brown University in the United States last year.

Citalá & Villanueva School: Real Opportunities

Public schools in El Salvador fail to meet the quality and standards necessary for educating young people. There are many flaws in terms of school infrastructure, equipment, teacher training and security. That is why Citalá and Villanueva choose the best students from more than 30 public schools and offering them a high quality education. Citalá and Villanueva provide the tools and the human and academic preparation for students to become positive agents of change in their communities.    

Education is the best route to personal development. Donations to this program support young Salvadorans who deserve support as they begin the challenging journey of their lives. Citalá and Villanueva give them hope and real possibilities. These programs empower young people by providing academic knowledge and ethical values, and separate them from the menace of gangs, possibly also saving these young people from an early, violent death.

With only $1,100 per year, you can contribute to the education of a young girl or boy who has limited economic resources but a great desire to pursue excellence.

Checks made to American Initiatives for Social Development, memo line: Citalá and Villanueva, may be sent to:
American Initiatives for Social Development
Murray Hill Station
PO Box 1670
New York, NY 10156-1670